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Brewery Het Nest, located in Oud-Turnhout. What started from a group of friends who came together every 3 weeks to initially taste beer and then to brew beer at home, quickly grew into a passion. However, the hobby got out of hand because after a few years they founded a beer company and then in 2015 they started a modern new brewery. They owe their success to themselves. Bringing quality and innovation to the Belgian beer market became their goal.

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It may be known that Het Nest looks beyond just blond, brown and triple. The range is very extensive. From tasteful blond, wheat beer, triple and quadruppel to sour beer and barrel aged. They let their SchuppenBoer Tripel mature on Belgian Owl Whiskey barrels from Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher near Liège. The SchuppenBoer Grand Cru in turn they do on Rum barrels. Every year they bring about 6 variants on the market. All this is very labor-intensive and they can only do on a limited scale. In addition to their barrel-aged editions, they also have a fixed range of their beers. The KoekeDam, HertenHeer, SchuppenAas, PokerFace are just a few examples. The main theme in their concept is that all their beers are directly related to a card game. Turnhout is therefore known for the production of card games. The link to a card game was therefore an obvious choice. Put on your best PokerFace and discover their beers!

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♠♣ Dead Man’s Hand♥♦

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One of their beers with the best story is definitely the Dead Man’s Hand. This Russian Imperial Stout also comes in barrel-aged versions. Dead Man’s Hand, a phrase known in the poker world.

The famous Dead Man’s Hand consists of the ace of clubs and ace of spades combined with 2 black eights and refers to a legend around Wild Bill. Wild Bill is said to have been shot in a saloon while playing poker. According to this legend, at that time there would have been the ace of clubs and ace of spades combined with 2 black eights on the table. However, the 5th card would still be unknown …

The whole story is beautifully recognizable in the label. The Dead Man’s Hand is inspired by the Russian Imperial Stout. This jet black beer has a typical roasted malt flavor and a high alcohol percentage. A taste of coffee, caramel and dark fruits are recognizable. The taste is influenced depending on which barrel the beer has matured.

A killer of a beer!

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